Deloitte reports. In 2022, the rate of return on investment has decreased. The top 20 companies spent 139 billion on R&D
"Measuring the return from pharmaceutical innovation 2022", the thirteenth annual report of the Deloitte Center for Health, has been published. The…
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Self-medication drugs. In 2022 turnover at 2.9 billion (+19%)
Sono 287 mln le confezioni vendute (+15,9%) (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor Plus) – Roma, 13 feb – Con una…
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"The evolution of the pharmacy from the apothecary to the service pharmacy" in Brescia Bergamo, capitals of culture
Brescia Bergamo Capital of Culture 2023, today the start with the event "The evolution of the pharmacy from the apothecary to the service pharmacy"…
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A new technique for observing natural molecules in 3D
Fino a qualche tempo fa era impossibile solo immaginare di osservare le molecole ad occhio nudo, oggi con varie tecniche…
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Bayer. Bayer CEO Werner Baumann, long criticized over Monsanto buyout, resigns
Bayer, via il capo: mal digerito acquisto Monsanto che utilizza pesticidi Caso Bayer: fondere un colosso farmaceutico con uno agroalimentare.…
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Constitutional Court. “Health treatments, and among these compulsory vaccinations, must be considered lawful, in order to protect collective health
L’obbligo vaccinale per il personale sanitario non costituisce una misura irragionevole né sproporzionata se l’obiettivo è quello di prevenire la…
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ISTAT. In December production of pharmaceutical products +18.1%
In December 2022, the seasonally adjusted industrial production index is estimated to increase by 1.6% compared to November. On the average of the quarter…
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Amendment approved: doctors retiring at 72, but only general practitioners and paediatricians of free choice
The Social Affairs Commission of the Chamber yesterday approved an amendment by the Brothers of Italy to the maneuver on the subject of retirement…
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News fedaiisf
Telethon grateful to Section AIISF of Crotone Catanzaro Vibo
Research gives life Those who donate to Telethon want to make a difference for patients affected by genetic diseases…
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First floor
The responsibility of the pharmacist in substituting the prescribed drug
Replacing the medicinal product and the pharmacist's liability The public pharmaceutical activity in the Health Trusts of our country is ensured by pharmacists…
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