Historical Archive
Smartphone cuts spending, in the EU -99 billion by 2017
January 29, 20:46 Defense of the National Health Service. On this point, all sides in the running for the elections agree…
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Historical Archive
Parma. Fake Viagra prescriptions. Doctor sues for fraud
Posted on 30 Jan 2013 by Patrizia Chimera – Benessere Blog.it The program of the Movimento 5 Stelle for the next…
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Historical Archive
Presentation of the AIFA 2012 Report "The use of drugs in Italy"
ROME. Are bioequivalent drugs reliable? In a report distributed to family doctors, produced by the Campania regional health department,…
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Historical Archive
Electronic prescription, between Sac and Sar it's a matter of method
12:54 30 JAN 2013 (AGI) - Basel, 30 Jan. – Roche's commitment in Italy remains even if the "market…
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Historical Archive
Scotland: here is the pharmacist of the next decade
Palace of Justice of Florence – The first preliminary hearing of the trial against Menarini Farmaceutica is underway, among the subjects…
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Historical Archive
Fedaiisf Marche. Unequal treatment in Large Area 1 in the Marches
Alcune delle più grandi compagnie biofarmaceutiche stanno lavorando in molte zone degli Stati Uniti per limitare la concorrenza delle versioni…
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Historical Archive
Aulin: why in Italy yes, while the world forbids it? Question of "money"
by Redazione – gennaio 27, 2013 – Quelli che la Farmacia Magazine La dispensazione del farmaco da parte delle Asl…
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Historical Archive
“La Manger”: if Italian healthcare is a 114 billion euro business. The investigative book on speculation
Fuori i partiti dalle nomine della sanità, rinnovamento strutturale e tecnologico degli ospedali, nuova politica del farmaco. E, ancora, prevenzione,…
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Historical Archive
Lorenzin, NHS gives rights but there is a duty to keep healthy
Pfizer fa il pieno di utili nel quarto trimestre, anche per effetto della plusvalenza generata dalla vendita del business nutrizionale,…
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Historical Archive
Cheers, FederAnziani to Regions: bury the hatchet against patients!
NonStop sta collaborando con una compagnia farmaceutica internazionale che sta allargando il suo team di Regional Market access managers (KAM).…
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