The EU wants to shorten the term of patents on medicines by two years
The EU clashes with Big Pharma over the price of drugs Corriere PL – 5 February 2023 – By Diletta Fileni The reforms…
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differentiated autonomy. GIMBE: "is inevitably destined to amplify the inequalities of a NHS, today universalistic and fair only on paper
La Fondazione Gimbe, ha pubblicato un report che analizza esclusivamente le maggiori autonomie richieste dalle Regioni in materia di tutela…
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Novartis, useful in a nosedive (but there's a reason)
2022 closed with a 2% drop in turnover, but a 70% drop in net profit, but 2021 was "inflated"...
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The future of doctors may also be in a pharmaceutical company. The Medical Affairs
Not only hospitals and healthcare facilities, the future for doctors is also in the company. The continuous evolution of scientific scenarios…
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The 99% of pharmaceutical companies paid the 2019 and 2020 payback
Pagamento degli oneri dovuti per i procedimenti di ripiano della spesa farmaceutica per gli acquisti diretti per gli anni 2019…
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WHO updates list of critical medicines for radiological and nuclear emergencies
L’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS/WHO)) ha aggiornato oggi il suo elenco di medicinali che dovrebbero essere immagazzinati per le emergenze…
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Trigger the cut of the tax wedge: here's who gains
Con la nuova legge di Bilancio per chi ha un reddito mensile fino a 1.923 euro in busta paga ha un aumento di 58…
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Calabria. ISF Actors in the play “Doctor tell me”. The proceeds go to two voluntary associations
https://fb.watch/iriPOJPLuW/ Yesterday evening (January 28, 2023), in the hall of the TAU, Auditorium Theater of the University of Calabria, the…
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Supplements. The Phytocomplex and its importance in Natural Pharmaceuticals
Molto spesso, anche tra gli addetti ai lavori o “esperti” si tende a vedere gli effetti di un estratto naturale…
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Supplements. Nutmeg Toxicity: Paolo Pelini, Let's make things clear!
In merito alla famosa vicenda dell’assunzione di noce moscata in un famoso programma tv e alle polemiche che non si…
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