Historical Archive
Healthcare, over 275 million spent on consultancy in 2012
Over 275 million euros: this is the amount spent on assignments and consultancy in the National Health Service. A…
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Historical Archive
Federfarma: expenditure in the first quarter continues to decline, even if it slows down
Pharmaceutical expenditure under the agreement which continues to fall in the first months of 2014, but which marks a progressive slowdown in…
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Historical Archive
Italy is in third place in Europe for pharmaceutical production
Article published on: 10/06/2014 (Adnkronos Salute) – For pharmaceutical production, Switzerland ranks first in Europe (17%),…
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Historical Archive
Propaganda tour for generics
“Equivalent (or generic) drugs will be increasingly important for the sustainability of the Apulian health system. Today Puglia…
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Historical Archive
Historical Archive
Corruption in healthcare. Ok the fines, but now we need real transparency
NdR: Wait a few seconds for the page to open
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Historical Archive
Historical Archive
Drug safety, from Ema public consultation on literature monitoring
L’Ema ha annunciato l’avvio di una consultazione pubblica riguardo al monitoraggio della letteratura medica. La normativa europea di farmacovigilanza ha,…
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Historical Archive
Historical Archive
New Janssen portal for general practitioners
Nasce un nuovo sito Janssen, pensato per i medici di medicina generale: www.jboard.it è un portale di informazione medico-scientifica…
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