Historical Archive
Historical Archive
Cagliari. Bribes to encourage the use of prostheses: 4 arrests, there is also a doctor
Autore: Monica Panzica il 12/06/2014 Castedduonline Avrebbe favorito due aziende di protesi acustiche dispensate dal Servizio Sanitario Nazionale. E’ finito in…
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Historical Archive
This medicine is not "brand name" ... the legend of generics
12 giugno 2014 – Cervelliamo Da qualche anno, ormai, in farmacia si assiste al seguente dialogo: “Signor Gialli, il suo…
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Historical Archive
Book. “Side Effects: Death”. The confessions of a Big Pharma repentant
Giovedì, 12 giugno 2014 – affaritaliani.it "Ho speso 35 anni della mia vita lavorando nell’industria farmaceutica che non fa altro…
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Historical Archive
9 Drugs withdrawn from the market: "Those who have them at home are advised not to use them"
giovedì, giugno 12th, 2014 Diretta News.it Aifa, stop a nove farmaci Geymonat per «difetto di qualità». L’Agenzia italiana ha vietato…
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Historical Archive
Branded and generic drugs: the issues of adherence and persistence
12 Giugno 2014 – tantaSALUTE I farmaci generici sono sempre più presenti nelle nostre case, complice il loro costo inferiore…
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Historical Archive
Pharmaceuticals, Scaccabarozzi: first sector for foreign investments in the country
by Laura Di Pillo – 12 June 2014 – Il Sole24ORE «The composition of our market is particular, perhaps…
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Historical Archive
Relations between doctors and pharmaceutical companies. That's why the…
Source: http://cp.neurology.org/content/4/2/164.extract An interesting article has been published in the prestigious scientific journal Neurology Clinical Practice of the American Academy of Neurology…
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Historical Archive
Tuscany. Drugs, goodbye to paper prescriptions
(ANSA) - FLORENCE, JUNE 11 - The 'red recipe', i.e. the traditional one on paper, gives way to the electronic one,…
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Historical Archive
Drugs: analysts, biosimilars will erode the biological market from 2019
Rome, 11 June. (Adnkronos Salute) – The growing presence of biosimilar drugs on the market will begin to significantly erode the…
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