Historical Archive
Goodbye to the queues in the clinic, the doctor will work as a team
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Historical Archive
Employer psychological terrorism constitutes bullying
Bullying is the behavior of the employer, systematic and protracted over time, held towards the worker in the workplace…
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Historical Archive
Equivalent medicines, Siviero (Aifa): crucial role for NHS sustainability
"The importance of the role that generic medicines have played for the sustainability of the National Health Service is evident". TO…
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Historical Archive
Biotech drugs: in Italy there are already 110
There are more and more biological medicines available on the market, ready to treat many different diseases: this is…
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Historical Archive
Mola di Bari – Cinema&Literature Festival “Of the Tale, the Film”.
17/06/2014 Puglia live Blindness (of evil) and the Cure to learn how to heal at “Del Racconto, the Film” 18…
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Historical Archive
State-of-the-art training at Novartis powered by Plantronics
Investimento nel Sales Training con podcast prodotti per l’aggiornamento degli informatori scientifici e fruibili da iPad Novartis, uno dei maggiori…
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Historical Archive
Vicenza. Group medicines in the crosshairs, watch out for how the staff is used
Le sanzioni dell’Ispettorato del Lavoro a 72 medici di sette aggregazioni nel Vicentino scuotono l’associazionismo medico. Dopo una serie di…
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Historical Archive
Novartis aims for new facilities
BASILEA – Novartis punta a migliorare la sua redditività, attraverso nuove strutture e misure che permetteranno di creare sinergie…
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Historical Archive
Giustini, Simg: six-monthly recipe does not change the frequency of visits but affects professions
«Per me medico di famiglia è buona e gradita l’intenzione del decreto semplificazioni che porta a sei mesi la durata…
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Historical Archive
Lorenzin wants to commission Iss
(ANSA) – TRIESTE, 17 GIU – Il ministro della Salute Beatrice Lorenzin ha intenzione di commissariare l’Istituto Superiore di…
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