First appeals to the Tar against the new Code: "It makes a doctor subject to laws and managers"
Altri due ordini seguiranno entro pochi giorni. L’intero documento ha contenuti farraginosi, con molteplici punti oscuri. Gli ordini dei medici…
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Historical Archive
First appeals to the Tar against the new Code: "It makes a doctor subject to laws and managers"
The orders of the doctors of Milan and Bologna appeal to the Tar against the new code of ethics, approved by the Federation…
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Pharmaceuticals: from the government 4.3 million for Sanofi Scoppito (L'Aquila)
Per sostenere il piano strategico di Sanofi per sviluppare l’innovazione e la competitività dello stabilimento produttivo di Scoppito. L’Azienda si…
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Labels on drug packaging. Published in the Official Journal by Ministry of Health decree
The decree of 30 May, published in the Official Gazette last 18 July, replaces the ministerial decree of 2 August 2001.…
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Avian flu, trade in expired vaccines. «With 100 lire I earned millions»
Un traffico illegale di virus, con relativo tariffario che sale di prezzo a seconda della pericolosità del ceppo ceduto. Un’indagine…
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Editorial notes
The office: with associated medical offices, fewer queues in the emergency rooms
Con il “Patto per la Salute” non ci sarà più lo studio del medico di famiglia, ma studi associati denominati…
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Historical Archive
Pharmaceuticals: from the government 4.3 million for Sanofi Scoppito (L'Aquila)
(AGI) - Rome, July 22. – The Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, in the presence of the Minister of Economic Development, Federica…
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Historical Archive
Labels on drug packaging. Published in the Official Journal by Ministry of Health decree
The decree of 30 May, published in the Official Gazette last 18 July, replaces the ministerial decree of 2 August 2001.…
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Historical Archive
Allergan reiterates no to Valeant and cuts 1,500 jobs
STEFANIA ARCUDI JULY 21, 2014 – america24 Allergan, the pharmaceutical company that produces Botox, reported better profits…
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Historical Archive
Has the AIDS vaccine failed? Barbara Ensoli replies
21st July '14 – R.it – Guglielmo Pepe's blog Here is the letter he wrote to me…
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