First floor
Campania Regional Administrative Court: "the doctor is free to prescribe the drug deemed suitable to guarantee therapeutic continuity for patients"
Ruling of the TAR Campania Naples, Section I, 20/6/2023 n. 3739 Biotechnological drugs, due to the complexity and nature of…
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Medicines shortage: over 1500 pharmacies engaged in the galenic activity
Available on the website of the Federation of Pharmacists the updated map of the pharmacies that prepare medicines, region by region FOFI…
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ISTAT. Industrial production of pharmaceuticals in May +8.9%
In May 2023, the seasonally adjusted industrial production index is estimated to increase by 1.6% compared with April. On average for the period…
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Absolutehealth. Over-the-counter drugs report 2023
Assosalute has published the 2023 report on the numbers and indices of self-medication drugs. The report is structured in…
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Acquisition by Bain Capital of the entire stake held by NTG in FIS – Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici
PRESS RELEASE Bain Capital Private Equity Acquires FIS – Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici, a leading company in the production of active ingredients for…
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The new procurement code in force since 1 July
The new procurement code, the consolidated text that regulates public procurement, entered into force on July 1st.…
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Government Decree published in Official Gazette, Schifone amendment on Continuity of Care doctors in force
It was published in the Official Gazette no. 155 of 5 July 2023 the Entities decree, definitively approved by the…
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Farmindustria Assembly: “The pharmaceutical industry in Italy. A European excellence between innovation and global challenges”
The 2023 public assembly of Farmindustria was held on 6 July at the Conciliazione auditorium in Rome. To hear the president…
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The "Green pass" era ended on 30 June
Goodbye green pass, certifications will no longer be issued from 1 July, although it will still be possible to continue downloading…
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ANAC (anti-corruption) confirms the calming function of the reference prices of medicines
Reference prices of medicines, Anac's calming function confirmed ANAC – 4 July 2023 Updated data published…
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