A suicide-inducing antidepressant found in the body of Robin Williams
Al momento della sua morte, le notizie riportate da USA Today, NBC News, BBC e altri giornali, affermarono che non…
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News fedaiisf
The Ethics of Provision. FEDAIISF Florence on the recent scandals.
The new, very recent scandals in Tuscany, with the investigations into the world of cardiac stents and cardiology equipment and…
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First floor
Livorno, the roundup of pediatricians and ISF. The accusation: smartphones, TV and cruise trips as a gift in exchange for the prescription of powdered milk
A total of 18 arrests: there are a doctor from Livorno, a doctor from Piombino, eight from the province of Pisa, one from…
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Privacy, you need the patient's ok to leave prescriptions at the pharmacy
Medici di famiglia attenti: la prassi di lasciare la ricetta cartacea in farmacia, pur ammessa dal garante della privacy, dev’essere…
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News fedaiisf
Messina. Alzheimer Conference on November 29, 2014. Patronage Fedaiisf Messina
Convegno Alzheimer (3) Malattia di Alzheimer: Camminiamo insieme Sabato 29 Novembre 2014 – ore 09,00 “Chiesa di Santa Maria Alemanna”…
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Storie di ISF. “Immagini dal nuovo mondo”, di Antonella Bisanti
Nel 1990, essendo già abilitata come biologa, ho lavorato come informatore scientifico di un’azienda farmaceutica siciliana per la quale avevo…
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Ims: pharmaceutical spending +30% by 2018
Ecco le previsioni dell’Institute for healthcare informatics per i prossimi anni giovedì 20 novembre 2014 di Redazione AboutPharma and Medical…
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Monza, Rottapharm cuts 92 jobs, especially in the administrative sector
Dopo il fallimento dell’entrata in Borsa e la vendita agli svedesi della Meda è arrivato l’annuncio degli esuberi. Ma l’azienda…
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Developing a drug now costs nearly $3 billion
La stima del Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development. Medici senza frontiere, polemicamente ha affermato: se si crede…
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Antibiotics without rules do not work, the Aifa campaign is underway
It is a real problem and the risk of a pre-antibiotic era, where common infections and minor illnesses can once again become…
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