Boehringer, fighting for the job
"The attitude of the company is very serious - declares Rosalba Cicero, general secretary of Filctem Cgil Lombardia -, of not wanting to take alternative routes ...
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From GSK 40 new medicines by 2025
Molecules in the field of epigenetics and immuno-oncology, drugs for the treatment of respiratory diseases, new antibodies for inflammatory diseases, new options…
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Drugs: OECD, lower than average use of generics in Italy
Rome, 4 Nov. (AdnKronos Salute) – The increase in the use of generic drugs has contributed to the reduction in prices and expenditure…
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JAMA. In the USA, the use of prescription drugs is increasing
The use of prescription drugs represents a major expense in the United States, and research published in JAMA suggests that the use…
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Bayer Healthcare, all mobility projects in Italy to support sales
La divisione Pharma ha una struttura di circa 550 informatori che presentano i prodotti ai medici. «La rete di informatori è…
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Health: national doctors' strike on Wednesday 16 December
AGI) – Roma, 3 nov. – Sciopero nazionale dei medici mercoledi’ 16 dicembre indetto dalle organizzazioni sindacali Anaao, Assomed, Cimo,…
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How to decrease the price of medicines? USA look to Europe and Italy
Non è la prima volta che dagli Stati Uniti si guarda ai modelli del Vecchio Continente per trovare proposte per…
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Botox, fillers and slimming: the report investigation on cosmetic surgery
“Lo sa – domanda Vignoli – che molto spesso gli informatori farmaceutici vengono da noi e invece di fornirci della…
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Sulmona. Poor security: pharmaceutical company closes the plant after the third theft in three months
La 4Pharma lascia la zona industriale di Sulmona ed è un addio che farà parlare molto di sé. In soli…
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Recipes SSN, the "paperless" has now surpassed the paper. In Calabria, without recipe books and the "electronic" recipe, there is no trace
Con gli allunghi messi a segno a settembre da Lazio e Lombardia, le ricette del Ssn “dematerializzate” rappresentano ormai la…
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