ISTAT. Industrial production. Production of pharmaceutical products +2.1
A settembre 2015 l’indice destagionalizzato della produzione industriale è aumentato dello 0,2% rispetto ad agosto. Nella media del trimestre luglio-settembre…
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First floor
For US citizens, companies spend too much on marketing. In the USA, UK and France more and more difficulties for "commercial" Whistleblowers
I risultati di un sondaggio condotto dalla Kaiser Family Foundation aggiunge ‘carne al fuoco’ nel vivace dibattito in atto negli…
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Letters to the Editor. "Health Management"
We receive and publish: Since it is not electorally convenient to save on personnel costs, we try - in every way - to save…
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Global drug consumption is growing: +30% in 2018
“Il comparto mondiale della farmaceutica gode di ottima salute e promette tassi di crescita scoppiettanti” scrive Il Sole 24 Ore.…
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Acquisti in Sanità, centralismo ridimensionato in un convegno a Firenze
Se in Toscana le gare centralizzate riescono a strappare prezzi più bassi alle aziende farmaceutiche è perché in altre regioni…
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Healthcare: dear Lorenzin, why don't you want to save money?
Oltre 10.000 cause legate a casi di tumore alla vescica (più frequente, ma meno pericoloso) solo negli Stati uniti, hanno…
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The "Leukaemia Market" Ed
That the meeting of sales managers of a pharmaceutical company begins with the sentence «How is the market today…
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First floor
Risky work in pharmaceutical companies. Ed
Letter of dismissal for 176 employees of Boehringer Italy. Just one year ago, from its headquarters in Germany, the group…
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Corruption in healthcare: from useless drugs to manipulated waiting lists
The drug, bought only because a bribe was paid, is not useful or even worse, harmful, for the sick.…
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Drugs: Italians 'failed', half do not adhere well to treatments
Also weighing in are lack of commitment, distrust and treatment costs ANSA – November 05 MILAN – Taking medicines is an action…
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