Give Lea to the drugs
Il mosaico incompiuto della Sanità La partita da 800 milioni per i nuovi Lea (livelli essenziali di assistenza) che in…
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Condemns Menarini. The reasons for the sentence: "hidden corporate system"
Firenze, tra le motivazioni della sentenza, con cui il 9 settembre scorso il tribunale ha condannato a dieci anni e…
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Forli. When the sense of the ridiculous is also missing
Il dottore prescrive correttamente un farmaco ad una paziente e l’Ausl gli fa pagare 22 euro di rimborso. Segnalazione a…
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Mylan intends to restructure its global workforce
Un portavoce ha confermato martedì scorso che l’azienda produttrice di Epi-Pen sta cercando di tagliare di almeno il 10% della…
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USA. Improper marketing, Bristol-Myers Squibb will have to pay 19 million dollars
Bristol-Myers Squibb dovrà pagare 19,5 milioni di dollari a 43 Stati americani per aver diffuso notizie fuorvianti su Abilify, un farmaco commercializzato…
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AstraZeneca cuts 700 positions for US offices
The operation had been announced some time ago and the cuts will affect the business and commercial sector. Originally, the revenue forecast…
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Great Britain. Super fine to Pfizer for raising the price of a 2600% drug
The US company will appeal against the millionaire fine imposed by the UK Markets and Competition Authority which considers the…
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In 2021, the world will spend $1.5 trillion on prescription drugs
This is the verdict of a report drawn up by Quintiles IMS Holding, although it is expected that in the coming years…
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Drugs and Trump, the CEOs of Big Pharma speak
(Reuters Health) - Top US big pharma executives discussed possible changes for the industry for the first time under…
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AIFA. Quality of medicines: clarifications on the recall measures of batches of medicines
The Italian Medicines Agency intends to provide clarifications regarding the provisions for the withdrawal of batches of medicines, in order to…
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