First floor
Emilia Romagna region. At our request, clarifications on the Scientific Information Regulation
Bologna, 05/06/2017 Dear, in response to your email with the subject "Scientific Information on the Drug", it is underlined, as from the stated premises…
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«The waste of the hospitals? They cost 13% of the cost of medicines»
Scaduti, sprechi e inefficienze logistiche delle aziende pubbliche, sanitarie e ospedaliere, vanificano ogni anno il 13% circa della spesa farmaceutica.…
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Emma. New action plan to support SMEs as drivers of pharmaceutical innovation
Driver dell’innovazione, 16 azioni per 2017-2020 Un piano d’azione in 16 punti per sostenere le Piccole e medie imprese del…
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Economy Festival. The Insatiable Greed That Kills: The Big Pharma Business Model. The repurchase of treasury shares and the remuneration of managers
Le grandi case farmaceutiche negli Usa sostengono che gli alti profitti ottenuti con prezzi alti dei farmaci servono a finanziare…
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Here's who are the doctors who treat you with hoaxes
Trattano il cancro col bicarbonato, vaccinano col caffè promettono miracoli con le vitamine. E fanno proseliti Maria Sorbi – Sab,…
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AIFA makes available the Post-marketing surveillance report of vaccines 2014-2015
L’Agenzia italiana del Farmaco rende disponibile il Rapporto sorveglianza post-marketing dei vaccini per gli anni 2014 e 2015. L’obiettivo principale…
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First floor
Modena. Scandal "dirty shirts": The prosecutor asks for sentences of 67 years in prison. Biomedical informants and managers are also involved
The prosecutor is asking for sentences of 67 years in Niccolini prison: «Those doctors sold their public function to biomedical companies.…
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The Rottapharm pharmaceutical foundation buys the Bisentina island
Venduta l’isola Bisentina, i del Drago la cedono alla Fondazione farmaceutica Rottapharm Si tratterebbe, anche se non sarebbe stato perfezionato…
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Pharmacovigilance, prostheses and medical devices: the new European jurisdiction is coming
Trasparenza, comprensione e controlli: ecco la ricetta di Bruxelles per una maggiore sicurezza Pubblicato il 31 maggio 2017 in Salute…
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Parma scandal. House arrest revoked for Lucherini of Ibsa Italia
Il Tribunale del riesame di Bologna, il 27 maggio 2017, ha revocato la misura degli arresti domiciliari a carico di…
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