Swiss. Pharmaceutical company has sold expired cancer drugs, 100 thousand vials distributed in Europe
Scandalo farmaci contro il cancro scaduti venduti da azienda svizzera, 100mila fiale distribuite in Europa Giornale di Puglia – Gennaio…
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Private and non-profit companies: this is who saves research
Ogni anno lo Stato italiano investe nella scoperta e nello sviluppo di nuovi farmaci meno di 600 milioni, la metà…
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First floor
Open letter from a reader. ISF false VAT numbers. Ed
Egr. President, I am addressing you as a representative of the category of scientific representatives, but my hope is that you can…
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First floor
Letters to the Editor. ISF with contract as a metalworker
One of our readers writes to us: I am a young graduate in pharmacy who will soon have to face a job interview for…
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FONCHIM/FASCHIM elections 19-20 February 2018
Riceviamo e pubblichiamo: ELEZIONI FONCHIM/FASCHIM 19-20 FEBBRAIO 2018 Nelle giornate del 19-20 febbraio, si svolgeranno le votazioni per il rinnovo dei…
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First floor
Parma. Pasimafi scandal: 1.7 million euros confiscated from Doctor Fanelli: current accounts, yachts and apartments
Over 1 million and 700 thousand euros confiscated between money and assets of Guido Fanelli, the doctor accused of…
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AIFA to companies. Lists of drug sales representatives for the year 2017
L’art. 122 comma 1, del Decreto Legislativo 24 aprile 2006, n. 219 , recante “Attuazione della direttiva 2001/83/CE” (e successive…
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AIFA. Research into Alzheimer's dementia continues. Individual business choices must not extinguish hope
Il percorso di ricerca e sviluppo di un nuovo farmaco è un’impresa lunga, costosa e soggetta potenzialmente a un rischio…
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Silent revolution in GSK, the new CEO replaces 40 percent of the management
Emma Walmsley, new CEO of GlaxoSmithKline, replaced 50 top managers in a few months, 40% of the highest…
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ISTAT. Industrial production of pharmaceutical products: +17.9 in November 2017. Ed
In November 2017, the seasonally adjusted index of industrial production shows a zero change compared to October. On average for the September-November quarter…
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