Häusermann (Assogenerici): “Grateful to the pharmacists for spreading the culture of generics”. Ed
The equivalent drug industry recognizes a great merit to pharmacies, namely that of having 'educated' the…
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First floor
Powdered milk scandal: pediatricians and informants acquitted
Il giudice per l’udienza preliminare ha emesso la sentenza di ‘non luogo a procedere’. Nessuno va a processo Pisa Today…
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Menarini. Hires 17,000th employee
DIPENDENTE 17.000 IN MENARINI La 17millesima dipendente di Menarini è giovane e laureata. Si chiama Lara, ha 28 anni, ha…
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Poll, the French say yes to the pharmacist who prescribes medicines
Rome, 12 March - the French 71% calls for greater involvement of its pharmacist in the health system. More specifically,…
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Seven years to Martin Shkreli, America's most hated pharmaceutical manager
“Pharma Bro” sorridente davanti alla commissione del Congresso che indagava sullo spettacolare aumento di prezzo del Daraprim (Keystone) Sette anni a…
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Lorenzin Order Reform Law: the first Implementing Decree is coming
Gli Ordini hanno espresso le proprie osservazioni in merito alla stesura del primo tra i decreti attuativi previsti dalla Legge…
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First floor
Beppe Grillo. Business Healthcare: infinite market. Ed
by Beppe Grillo – In industrialized countries, spending on the health system is growing dramatically, as is research…
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First floor
ISF in the pharmacy
Ci sono aziende che impongono all’ISF di visitare le farmacia allo scopo di raccogliere informazioni sui propri farmaci e chi…
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Drugs prescribed by nurses? Hypothesis under study
The general manager of Aifa (Italian drug agency) Mario Melazzini opens up the possibility of 'prescribing' drugs by…
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Assogenerics. "Pure" generics absorb 21.5% in units and 12.4% in pharmacy channel values
Another year of growth for the generic drug market which in 2017 absorbed 21.5% per pack…
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