Pharmaceuticals: "Risks for patients in the EU and UK" due to Brexit
Brexit, l’industria farmaceutica lancia allarme: “Rischi per pazienti in Ue e Uk” Rif Day – 17 gennaio 2019 “Minacce reali,…
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Pharmaceutical industry. Payback problem
Come è noto, il cosiddetto payback identifica la particolare procedura introdotta con l’art. 15 del DL n. 95/2012, per effetto…
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Bologna, the funeral home racket in hospitals: 30 arrests. The anti-corruption regulation is missing.
Bologna, the funeral home racket: 30 arrests. Two hundred euros to nurses for a funeral. Thefts and derision of the corpses…
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First floor
Codacons distrusts all doctors' orders. Relations with pharmaceutical companies
Agenpress. Tutti gli Ordini dei medici italiani riceveranno in questi giorni una formale diffida del Codacons volta a garantire la…
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Eli Lilly takes over Loxo Oncology. A new pharmaceutical giant is born
Nasce un nuovo colosso farmaceutico, dal matrimonio di due Big Pharma. Parliamo di Eli Lilly, che ha rilevato la rivale…
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Pharmaceuticals: the survey, the second best paid sector in Italy
Il settore farmaceutico, a confronto con il resto del settore manifatturiero, evidenzia indicatori di mercato in continua e più significativa…
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Event marketing. The new frontier of corporate notoriety
L’event marketing (o marketing degli eventi) è una strategia di marketing la cui nascita risale agli anni ottanta ma ancora…
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Monitoring Essential levels of assistance, the scores of all Regions based on the 2017 LEA Grid
Ministero della Salute – 10 gennaio 2019 Il Piemonte guida le otto Regioni che ottengono un punteggio superiore a 200,…
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USA. Investors in Big Pharma are demanding higher profits. The financial limits of biotechnology and the pitfalls of generics
Big Pharma Tackles Curse of Billionaire Blockbuster Investors Demand Today's Extraordinarily Lucrative Drugs Have a…
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Beppe Grillo. “Doctors make you do useless tests and today they are travel agents”. Ed
Grillo in Naples: "Doctors make you do useless tests" Beppe Grillo in an unscheduled event at the end of the show ...
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