Drug with side effects: who is responsible?
Risarcimento del danno a carico della casa farmaceutica se nel bugiardino non viene indicato l’effetto indesiderato della medicina o non…
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Intesa Farmindustria and Occupational Medicine. Health pact for 66,000 employees and their families
Health in the company, a pact between the pharmaceutical industry and occupational medicine A memorandum of understanding was signed in Rome between Farmindustria,…
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Money & health care: the millions paid to Sicily by the drug giant. Blame? Obviously from the ISF. Ed
Soldi & sanità: i milioni versati in Sicilia dal colosso del farmaco |NOMI E CIFRE Il Sicilia.it – 6 marzo…
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Viral news. Sandoz and the growth hormone scandal: all acquitted … two years ago
Open line – Juanne Pili – 05/03/2019 Torna a circolare in rete una storia risalente al 2012 ma che viene…
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Biomedical Foscama. Auction sale in April
Il giornale Ciociaria Oggi riferisce che “il prossimo 4 aprile, dalle ore 12, si terrà l’asta giudiziaria telematica per la…
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News fedaiisf
Fedaiisf Napoli e Caserta. Nuova iniziativa per far conoscere gli ISF
Un’altra iniziativa messa a segno dai colleghi di Napoli e Caserta. Si tratta di una serie di eventi in varie…
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News fedaiisf
Fedaiisf Section Naples. Meeting for members and not with the National President on 11 March at 6pm.
Monday 11 March at 18:00 at the Co.Me.Gen. located in viale Maria Bakunin 41, Parco San Paolo –…
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First floor
Sicily Region. Anti-corruption directive: the ISFs in the crosshairs. Forbidden to have relatives working in the SSR. Ed
After last summer's agreement with Agenas (National Agency for Regional Health Services), for the application in all Companies…
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Counterfeit medicines. Real deaths from fake drugs
Morti vere per farmaci falsi Il traffico di farmaci contraffatti ha conseguenze drammatiche in tutto il mondo, anche in Europa…
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First floor
The best paid jobs. Surprise: there are also the ISF. But is it really so?
Su “Il Sole 24ORE” del 2 marzo 2019 viene riportata una ricerca condotta da PageGroup, gruppo di recruiting specializzato in…
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