Group of American pharmaceutical companies in Italy. Ready to invest 1,000 billion in a context of certain rules, no therapeutic equivalence without scientific certainty
«Ensuring patent protection to ensure therapeutic innovation and economic development» HealthDesk – April 9, 2019 Innovation, research and…
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AIFA. Medicinal products containing cinoxacin, flumequine, nalidixic acid and pipemidic acid will be withdrawn from the market
Important information note on medicines containing fluoroquinolones (08/04/2019) AIFA 8 April 2019 In agreement with the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA),…
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Filctem, Marco Falcinelli elected new general secretary
The 196 members of the national assembly voted, by secret ballot, and elected Marco Falcinelli general secretary with 179 votes in favour…
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Doc Generici venduta per $1,2 mld
Doc Generici acquisita da due società di private equity, affare da $1,2 mld Le società di investimento Intermediate Capital Group…
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EU, 11,800 lobbies to influence the Commission and parliamentarians.
Sul Corriere della Sera è stato pubblicato un interessante servizio di Milena Gabanelli sul lobbismo in Europa e a cui…
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A drug company was addictive to painkillers and then sold the cure
Secondo un’inchiesta della Procura di New York, la famiglia Sackler, produttrice dell’OxyContin, era consapevole di fare affari sfruttando la dipendenza…
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No buyer for Biomedica Foscama. The deadline for the auction has expired.
Nessun acquirente per la Biomedica Foscama di Ferentino. Ieri sono scaduti i termini per l’asta. “Con rammarico e preoccupazione apprendiamo…
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Editorial notes
The new rules on transparency between the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare professionals have been approved by the Chamber
With 377 votes in favour, none against and 60 abstentions, the Chamber of Deputies approved the new rules on the subject…
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Editorial notes
Fedefarma. NHS pharmaceutical spending, updated data attest to a drop of 4.1%. The contribution of pharmacies to the diffusion of equivalents. Ed
Federfarma announces that the pharmaceutical expenditure net of the NHS in 2018 recorded a decrease in the…
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First floor
Pfizer, Roche and Johnson & Johnson are the leaders of the global pharmaceutical industry
Pfizer, Roche and Johnson & Johnson account for 12.6% of the total value of the pharmaceutical industry worldwide, driven by the increase…
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