AIFA. According to advances Giulia Grillo would have signed the decree appointing Saitta as president of AIFA
Aifa, si scioglie il nodo presidenza, arriva il via libera di Grillo ad Antonio Saitta RIFday – aprile 16, 2019…
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Assogenerics. The European pharmaceutical policy agenda in the Medicines for Europe manifesto for the May elections
Promuovere politiche di mercato competitive e sostenibili; valutare la coerenza del quadro regolatorio attuale puntando ad una armonizzazione regolatoria globale…
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Sicily. A meeting on transparency at Arnas Garibaldi. The crackdown has also been foreseen for scientific whistleblowers
Sanità pubblica e procedure di gara, all’Arnas Garibaldi un incontro sulla trasparenza L’approfondimento – diretto ai medici, al personale amministrativo…
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Medical devices. The European Commission launches a portal to facilitate the transition towards the new regulations
La Commissione lancia un portale per facilitare la transizione verso i nuovi regolamenti sui dispositivi medici e sui dispositivi medico-diagnostici…
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First floor
Letter to the Editor. Pharmaceutical company passes the ISFs to the CCNL for trade. But is it legal?
Ci scrive un collega che, la sua azienda ha deciso di passare tutti i propri dipendenti al contratto CCNL Commercio.…
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Appeal of the ISF: "Let's not turn off the spotlight on the Foscama Biomedical affair!"
Dopo l’asta giudiziaria del 4 aprile 2019, andata deserta, la decisione è stata nuovamente rimessa nelle mani del curatore fallimentare…
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Di Maio: "Ready to take away the health responsibilities of the regions", "We are about to commission Vincenzo de Luca in Campania"
Stiamo lavorando per togliere le competenze in materia di sanità alle Regioni FIMMG -News – 11/04/2019 Sull’autonomia “io non ho…
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Greece, the FBI also involved in the Novartis scandal: "Bribes for everyone, politicians, officials and the media". Involved ISF
Bipartisan bribes to overprice drugs: this is the accusation of the Greek magistrates, which however end up in the meat grinder of the parties. The role…
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News fedaiisf
Fedaisf Florence. Celebrated colleague Piero, who has been a member of the Association for 53 years without interruption
The other evening we were honored by the presence with us of a historic presence within the Association. My colleague Zei Piero,…
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Li Bassi (Aifa): the sale of bulk medicines is being studied
Li Bassi (Aifa), aid for the environment and health from bulk medicines South Tyrol - 10 April 2019 Aid for…
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