First floor
Report on RAI3, the dirty drug supply chain from India to Italy
On Rai3 I travel to the low-cost medicine factories where the New Delhi bacterium comes from, which has already made dozens…
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News fedaiisf
Fedaisf Lecce. Initiative to commemorate and honor Antonella, the tragically deceased colleague
Riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo Con i colleghi di Lecce abbiamo organizzato una raccolta fondi per manifestare il nostro affetto e…
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DG AIFA Li Bassi towards farewell. With the new minister, change at the top of AIFA
Farmaci: pubblicato avviso per nuovo Dg Aifa, Li Bassi verso addio Poco più di un anno alla guida di Aifa…
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Elections of Area Heads in the RSUs representing the ISFs. Confusion of roles and conflicts of interest. Ed
In questi giorni si sta procedendo, nella mia azienda, al rinnovo delle Rsu. Tra i candidati, per la rete esterna…
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The Italian pharmaceutical? More and more young, green, tech and full of startups
Tutto questo grazie al conto terzi. In Italia sono 108 mila le imprese della manifattura che se ne avvalgono, per…
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Automatic substitution of a biological drug with a biosimilar. Scientific Societies: "Unconstitutional Provision"
I rappresentanti dei clinici chiedono all’AIFA di ritirare la proposta. “Contestiamo la gestione economicistica della sanità pubblica. La discrezionalità clinica,…
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Over-the-counter medicines cost us up to six times more than in other European countries. Why?
We denounce a disgrace that involves unjustified bloodletting for Italian families Uncompetitive generics, non-refundability, small packs. In…
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China. One-minute Clinics: e-clinics, diagnoses and drug prescriptions (without doctors)
Cina: le One-minute Clinics avvicinano i servizi sanitari alle persone Mark-up – 21 ottobre 2019 Poste nelle scuole o nelle…
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More trouble for Johnson & Johnson talc
Johnson & Johnson affonda dopo ritiro lotto talco per neonati Qui Finanza – Teleborsa 18 ottobre 2019 Johnson & Johnson nei…
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Novartis, "corrupted tens of thousands of doctors in Greece to prescribe useless drugs". On Swiss TV the testimony of three former employees
In the Falò documentary broadcast on Thursday 18 October, the whistleblowers who collaborate in the FBI investigation speak for the first time…
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