Coronavirus, patto sul vaccino tra le aziende farmaceutiche rivali: pronto solo con prove certe. Scudo legale per i produttori
Sono oltre 25,5 milioni i contagi nel mondo di Coronavirus, secondo la Johns Hopkins University, mentre le vittime hanno toccato…
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Pharmacists: "Ready to carry out the flu vaccination". Scotti (Fimmg): "Pharmacists cannot administer vaccines"
Quest’anno, per il piano di vaccinazione antinfluenzale, saranno 18 milioni le dosi del vaccino che andranno al Servizio sanitario nazionale:…
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Chemical alarm in Rovereto. Gas leak from pharmaceutical plant. Alarm cleared after a few hours
Allarme chimico in Trentino | perdita di sostanze gassose da uno stabilimento farmaceutico | “restate in casa” zazoom.it – 2…
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First floor
Sardinia. Stop visiting relatives and ISF at Businco, Microcitemico, San Michele dell'AO Brotzu
This was announced by the Extraordinary Commissioner of the G. Brotzu Paolo Cannas Hospital, derogations will be granted in particular cases, the…
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Medical devices, first report on supervisory activities
Il ministero pubblica il primo Rapporto sulle attività di vigilanza sui dispositivi medici, con l’obiettivo di condividere, con tutti gli…
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AIFA: Covid-19, beware of hoaxes
Following 10 new hoaxes refuted by experts from the ministry and the Higher Institute of Health. 1. There…
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From today the superticket has been abolished, Gaudioso: "A heavy tax that caused public health to lose money has been eliminated
Abolito, da oggi 1 settembre, il così detto superticket quella quota, cioè, aggiuntiva di 10 euro prevista per le prestazioni…
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In evidence
Interview with Scaccabarozzi (Farmindustria): Smart working can be integrative, for ISFs the human relationship is still essential
Continuity beyond the crisis, the pharmaceutical industry sticks to work Maintaining production, maintaining exports and the domestic market…
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In evidence
Once the emergency is over, remote working will only be possible after an agreement signed with the individual workers
The "simplified" smart working for the private sector expires on 15 October. Unless the state of emergency is extended, in fact, the…
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Cheating ISF spouses. ANSA Sardinia agency specifies
Coniugi presunti ISF cagliaritani truffatori. Precisazione L’Agenzia ANSA Sardegna ha precisato, in seguito ad una nostra segnalazione, in una breve…
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