BIOMEDICA FOSCAMA GROUP, first bankruptcy hearing. Press release of the ISF
Si è svolta stamattina 12 novembre la prima e tanto attesa udienza fallimentare presso il tribunale di Roma sezione fallimentare…
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Novo Nordisk® and 24ORE Business School to promote digital culture in the diabetes field
Riceviamo e pubblichiamo Digital Diabetes Academy: Novo Nordisk® e 24ORE Business School insieme per promuovere la cultura digitale in…
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NOMOS. The parliamentary day of 12 November 2020
La giornata parlamentare del 12 Novembre 2020 Fonte NOMOS – 12 NOVEMBRE 2020 Conte difende il Dpcm ed esclude il…
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In evidence
"Anonymous" survey on the activity of scientific information. Emilia Romagna Region: "must be suspended"
Nei giorni scorsi era stata recapitata a diversi medici una lettera, da parte di una nota azienda, in cui venivano…
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ISTAT. Industrial production of pharmaceutical products: in September – 9.1%
In September 2020, the seasonally adjusted industrial production index is estimated to decrease by 5.6% compared with August. In the average of…
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La giornata parlamentare dell’11 novembre 2020
La giornata parlamentare dell’11 Novembre 2020 NOMOS – 11 NOVEMBRE 2020 Recovery Fund, è fumata bianca in Ue sul pacchetto…
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First floor
APSS Trento. ISF activity suspended until 31 January 2021
SUBJECT: COVID – 19: suspension of meetings by Pharmaceutical Representatives and representatives of medical devices…
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First floor
First floor