News fedaiisf
AIISF South-East Tuscany to the Health Authorities. "Ready to be of support and support to the entire health system"
Riportiamo il testo della lettera spedita dalla Sez. AIISF Toscana Sud-Est alle Autorità Sanitarie. I destinatari sono stati omessi per…
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Fedaiisf meets in Trieste the president of the Labor Commission of the Chamber, Hon. Serracchiani. "Yes to legal recognition". The echo in the press
Serracchiani, si a professione informatori farmaco TRIESTE, 13 NOV – Gli informatori scientifici del farmaco rappresentano “una categoria con cui…
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AIOM, COMU and CIPOMO for medical oncology: "defer visits in the presence of ISFs"
Considering the high contagiousness of the COVID-19 coronavirus and the lethality which is particularly relevant in fragile patients, primarily cancer patients, Considering…
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News fedaiisf
AIISF Genoa to CRI. Available for "Temporary Volunteering"
Notizie correlate: Fedaiisf Modena. Conclusa l’opera di volontariato presso l’AUSL
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First floor
First floor
NOMOS. Parliamentary day of 13 November 2020. The countdown for the arrival of the anti-Covid vaccines has begun
La giornata parlamentare del 13 Novembre 2020 fonte NOMOS – 13 NOVEMBRE 2020 Il Governo lavora al decreto ristori ter…
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The BioNTech Pfizer vaccine: efficacy beyond 90%. However, more safety data is needed. In the meantime, the announcement effect causes Pfizer's CEO to collect 5.6 million $
In questi giorni si è molto parlato del vaccino Pfizer. Ci sembra utile chiarire le caratteristiche di questo vaccino. SARS-CoV-2…
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News fedaiisf
Piedmont. Sections AIISF Turin and Southern Piedmont make themselves available voluntarily to help and support the SSR
con la presente l’Associazione Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco di Torino e del Sud Piemonte, ben consapevoli dello stato di…
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First floor
Protected: Messina. Centro Neurolesi Bonino. L’anticorruzione: gli ISF per via web… causa Covid
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
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