The curse of the AstraZeneca vaccine: one factory on fire, one flooded
A Pune, in India, è andata a fuco una porzione dello stabilimento del Serum Institute, il più grande produttore di…
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AstraZeneca. Digital channels added value for the profession of scientific medical informant. Ed
An AstraZeneca editorial has been published on AboutPharma which analyzes the transformation of the NHS in the era of a pandemic and the…
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News fedaiisf
Section AIISF Genoa. In remembrance of Mary
Oggi vogliamo ricordare Maria dedicando a Lei la sezione Genovese di AIISF. Oggi rendiamo Ufficiale questa decisione e il nostro…
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ISF Covid vaccination. Chamber approves Odg at first signing Menga (M5S). The Government will evaluate whether to include them among the recipients of "Phase 1".
Buone notizie per gli informatori scientifici del farmaco. Questa mattina la Camera dei deputati ha approvato l’Ordine del Giorno a…
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News fedaiisf
The interview with TVA of the President of Section AIISF of Vicenza
On TVA News, Wednesday evening, an interview with Diana Valbusa, President of the Section was broadcast. AIISF of Vicenza, which…
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Puglia. Vaccine delivery failure. Vaccination to ISFs suspended for now
Coronavirus Puglia, ai «furbetti» del vaccino niente richiamo Dopo il taglio delle dosi slitta il turno di farmacisti, odontoiatri e…
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OO.SS. TRIS Fund activation announcement
Si è svolto in data 19 gennaio u.s. il previsto incontro con Farmindustria e Federchimica in merito all’attuazione del Fondo…
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Parliamentary Day on 20 January 2021
Parliamentary Day of 20 January 2021 Source NOMOS - 20 JANUARY 2021 Conte obtains a narrow majority at share…
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Pfizer cuts vaccine supply. According to "Sputnik" there is a mystery
Riportiamo a titolo di cronaca una nota del sito “Sputnik News” dell’omonimo vaccino russo con l’avvertenza del palese conflitto di…
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NOMOS. Parliamentary Day on 19 January 2021
Parliamentary Day of 19 January 2021 Source NOMOS - 19 JANUARY 2021 Premier Giuseppe Conte gains the trust…
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