Reggio Calabria. Situation unlocked: ISFs will be able to access all the structures of the Great Metropolitan Hospital
Dear colleagues, as you are well aware, since its establishment, this Board has worked in the name and on behalf of…
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Drug informant, a bill to transform it into a health profession. That's why doctors might be thankful
A Bill presented by Rosa Menga (M5S) proposes to include drug sales reps within the Order of…
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Interview with Baruchello and Valbusa at TGR Veneto
The AIISF National President and Fedaiisf Vice-President, Angelo Baruchello and the President of the AIISF Vicenza Section, Diana Valbusa, spoke…
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UILTEC Emilia Romagna. We ask the Health Authorities of our Region to include the ISF among the operators involved in the early stages of the vaccination campaign
The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to question the way we work and produce in our country.…
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Filctem Emilia Romagna. Insert the ISF among the operators who will carry out the anticovid vaccination in the early stages
The Filctem Cgil of Emilia-Romagna in this difficult period of management of the pandemic, in which unfortunately theories continue to emerge…
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News fedaiisf
Section AIISF at Crotone Hospital: "we express disappointment and regret for what is foreseen in the resolution"
egr. dr. Cosentino; With reference to your provision of 28.01.2021 concerning access to the Crotone hospital…
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First floor
AboutPharma interviews Antonio Mazzarella, National President of Fedaiisf
Marcello Longo AboutPharma and Medical Devices February 2021 n. 185 "I see many clouds in the immediate future." Antonio Mazzarella, president of Fedaiisf…
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Veneto. Zaia inserts the ISF in the categories to be vaccinated as a priority
Zaia: gli ISF fanno parte delle categorie essenziali. Faranno parte del secondo blocco di vaccinazioni → IL VIDEO ←
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Parliamentary Day on 1 February 2021
The Parliamentary Day of 1 February 2021 Source NOMIOS - 01 FEBRUARY 2021 Fico convenes the table on the program but…
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News fedaiisf
Croton. From 2 February new rules for the access of the ISF to the Hospital
In una nota la Direzione Medica di Presidio Ospedaliero dell’ASP di Crotone stabilisce che da martedì 2 febbraio 2021 le…
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