Parliamentary Day on 8 February 2021
Parliamentary Day of 8 February 2021 Source NOMOS - 08 FEBRUARY 2021 The second round of consultations begins Mario…
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Starting Monday vaccination campaign in Sicily, who can book and how. At the Policlinico of Palermo the ISF
La campagna vaccinale in Sicilia prende forma mettendo in campo tutte le risorse che servono per accelerare il più possibile…
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News fedaiisf
Frosinone Cassino. "Let's get vaccinated" campaign. With the support of Fedaiisf Lazio
«Vacciniamoci»: arriva la campagna di sensibilizzazione Vacciniamoci, è la campagna che sta sostenendo l’Associazione “Su di tono” per tornare ad…
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Abruzzo. Councilor Blasioli: ISF condemned not to work and excluded from vaccination, they live in limbo
Il Consigliere regionale abruzzese Antonio Blasioli, ha reso pubblico un documento sulla situazione dei contagi da Coronavirus. Scrive il Consigliere: “Scarse, scarsissime sono…
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Emilia Romagna region. Mass vaccination programme. ISF ignored
Fino a 45mila dosi di vaccino al giorno, oltre 1,3 milioni al mese, col dispiegamento possibile quotidiano di 75 team…
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Vaccini, Palermo, bookings will resume from tomorrow. ISF at the polyclinic
A partire dalle nove del mattino. Da martedì si prevede una frequenza di somministrazioni da trecento dosi al giorno. La…
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New Piedmont vaccination plan. The ISFs included in phase 1-B
l presidente Alberto Cirio e l’assessore Luigi Icardi hanno presentato l’aggiornamento del piano vaccinale del Piemonte, con le fasi e…
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First AIFA report on the surveillance of COVID-19 vaccines
The Italian Medicines Agency has published the first Pharmacovigilance Report on COVID-19 vaccines, which will be published on a monthly basis. The data…
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News fedaiisf
Established the Section AIISF of Trapani
The AIISF federated association informs us that on 29 January last, after meeting remotely, the ISF of Trapani…
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European Parliament: “Vaccines against covid-19: ethical, legal and practical considerations
We report the text adopted by the Assembly of the European Parliament on 27 January 2021 Resolution 2361 (2021) | Provisional version Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly…
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