News fedaiisf
Section AIISF interprovincial Molise. Renewed the Board
Following the resignation of Dr. Carmine D'Ambrosio as President of Aiisf Molise, regular votes were held which elected…
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Creepy in India. New anti-Covid therapy
“Sterco di mucca contro il Covid” Allarme pseudo-terapie in India msn.com da il Giornale 12 maggio 2021 Le autorità indiane…
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AstraZeneca, the assembly approves the maxi-salary of the CEO, Soriot
AstraZeneca, l’assemblea approva il maxi-stipendio di Soriot nonostante la battaglia di alcuni investitori msn. com – 11 maggio 2021 La…
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Rings (FNOMCeO): “Let's open up the medical question. intolerable discomfort”
Anelli (FNOMCeO): “Apriamo la questione medica. Disagio intollerabile in tutte le componenti della Professione: chiediamo confronto con Ministro” L’ultima goccia,…
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News fedaiisf
Lazio. Vaccination: 1800 ISF booked by AIISF Frosinone
After the first tranche of vaccinations of Lazio informers carried out last week, the president of the AIISF Section of…
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ISTAT. Industrial production of pharmaceuticals in March +1.8%
In March 2021, the seasonally adjusted industrial production index is estimated to decrease by 0.1% compared to February. In the average of…
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Court of Cassation condemns Bayer: drug caused myopathy in patient. Liar too general
Recentemente la Cassazione (sentenza 12225/2021) ha condannato la Bayer per gli eventi avversi (miopatia dei cingoli) provocati dal farmaco Lipobay…
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News fedaiisf
Abruzzo. After meeting Fedaiisf / ASL 1 Health Department revoked the provision forbidding the access of ISF to the health facilities of L'Aquila
As anticipated, following the meeting between: the Medical Director, dr. Alfonso Mascitelli and colleagues on the board: deputy…
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Fourth AIFA Report on the surveillance of COVID-19 vaccines
L’Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco ha pubblicato il quarto Rapporto di farmacovigilanza sui vaccini COVID-19. I dati raccolti e analizzati riguardano…
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News fedaiisf
Calabria. Published agreement AIISF KR/CZ/VV Hosp. Ciaccio on ISF volunteering
The EXTRAORDINARY COMMISSIONER Given that the Italian Republic, with Legislative Decree 3 July 2017, n. 117 “Code of…
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