News fedaiisf
Reggio Calabria. Covid vaccinations. Reinforcements arrive: Fedaiisf's ISF
News Vaccines, scientific representatives take the field in Reggio Calabria They have not backed down and beyond…
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Medical devices, the application of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 is underway
Dal 26 maggio 2021 è pienamente applicabile il Regolamento (UE) 2017/745. Il regolamento modifica le norme che disciplinano il sistema dei…
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Proroga blocco licenziamenti: il dietrofront del Governo. Sì all’esonero addizionale
Salta la proroga blocco licenziamenti fino al 28 agosto, ma è conservato lo sconto Cig ordinaria. Le ragioni dello stop.…
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News fedaiisf
Molise. The local press reports the election of the new AIISF board
The Association, operating in Molise since May 2020, asks to be able to play its role at the health facilities and…
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From today in force the possibility of using medicines for human use in animals
Animal care, from today veterinarians can prescribe medicines for human use With the decree signed by the Minister of…
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Rings (FNOMCeO): program the closure of the hubs and bring vaccination to the territory, to medical offices
Programmare, sin da ora la chiusura degli hub, liberando risorse umane ed economiche. E riportare la vaccinazione sul territorio, negli…
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ISTAT. Turnover in March: only the pharmaceutical industry recorded a negative change on an annual basis (-6.9%)
In March, it is estimated that the turnover of the industry, net of seasonal factors, recorded an economic increase of 1.6%, resulting from…
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Torselli and Amadio: "Tuscan ISF Serie B operators". Ed
Vaccinazioni, Torselli-Amadio: ”Operatori del farmaco Toscani categoria di serie B Livornopress – Firenze 21 maggio 2021 “Dopo che la Regione…
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USA. Proposal to reduce the price of medicines. The counteroffensive of pharmaceutical companies
Swiss pharmaceutical industry spends millions on lobbying in the US A bill under discussion in the US Congress…
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First floor
Indagine sull’informazione scientifica in Emilia Romagna. Stop definitivo?
Ancora una volta, la seconda nel giro di meno di un anno, in Emilia Romagna una importante multinazionale, già diffidata,…
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