News fedaiisf
Puglia Council: ok to the motion amending the Regulation for scientific information activities on drugs
Unanimously approved the motion presented by the director of the Brothers of Italy Antonio Gabellone, regarding the changes to be made to the Regulations for…
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Bevilacqua new president of the Lions Club Forlì Host
Lions Club Forlì Host: Riccardo Bevilacqua subentra come presidente a Caterina Rondelli Sabato 26 giugno 2021, presso il Grand Hotel…
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News fedaiisf
AIISF Reggio Emilia Parma. Summer party: ISF and Medici invited
Nella speranza di passare una bella serata in compagnia di colleghi e medici dimenticando differenze e problemi quotidiani. AIISF interprovinciale…
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News fedaiisf
Udine. Died at 65 "Enzo" De Lucia, former scientific informant
L’ultimo saluto tributato sabato a Vincenzo De Lucia, per tutti “Enzo”, 65 anni, è stato davvero speciale e sentito. Sette…
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Scotti (Fimmg): "For the doctor, the chat must be thought of as a bulletin board, the text message as an alert and the phone call is ideal in case of emergency"
Il nuovo Galateo medico-paziente nell’era di smartphone e social Telemedicina, big data, intelligenza artificiale, ricette finalmente dematerializzate, analisi ed esami…
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After Kodak, Fujifilm also enters the pharmaceutical sector
Fujifilm vira verso la farmaceutica, produrrà (anche) vaccini Fujifilm è famosa per le sue macchine e lenti fotografiche: nel prossimo…
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Definition of orphan drug
Definition of orphan drug status economy and finance – 11 July 2021 Orphan drug status offers companies…
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Sixth AIFA Report on the surveillance of COVID-19 vaccines
Comunicato stampa n. 653 – L’Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco ha pubblicato il sesto Rapporto di Farmacovigilanza sui Vaccini COVID-19. I dati raccolti…
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Manufacturers of veterinary drugs make use of the TAR against the use of drugs for human use in animals. Rejected!
Vittoria LAV, salvi migliaia di cani e gatti: TAR respinge ricorso industrie farmaceutiche Salvi migliaia di cani e gatti. TAR…
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ISTAT. May Industrial Production of Basic Pharmaceuticals (-3.6%)
In May 2021, the seasonally adjusted industrial production index is estimated to decrease by 1.5% compared to April. On average for the period…
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