Letters to the Editor. The establishment of a Permanent Table on Supplements is good
Riceviamo e pubblichiamo Dopo i casi di epatite colestatica non infettiva in cui sono stati messi sotto la lente di…
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Eighth AIFA Report on the surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines
Comunicato stampa n. 661 – L’Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco ha pubblicato l’ottavo Rapporto di Farmacovigilanza sui Vaccini COVID-19. I dati…
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News fedaiisf
Fedaisf. Press release on ISF vaccination
COMUNICATO Da alcune lettere giunte in Redazione ci viene chiesto di prendere una posizione ufficiali di Fedaiisf sulla questione vaccini…
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ISTAT. Industrial production of pharmaceuticals in July 2021: +3.6%
In July 2021, the seasonally adjusted industrial production index is estimated to increase by 0.8% compared to June. In the average of…
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First floor
There are 644 unvaccinated doctors currently suspended from the registers of Italian Orders
Sono 644 i medici attualmente sospesi dagli albi degli ordini italiani. Le sospensioni sono state in tutto 820, di cui 176…
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First floor
Federsalus. I applaud Undersecretary Costa for the initiative to set up a permanent table on food supplements
COMUNICATO STAMPA Federsalus plaude all’iniziativa annunciata dal Sottosegretario Costa di istituire un Tavolo permanente sugli integratori alimentari FederSalus accoglie…
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Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline enter the Covid-19 vaccine business.
Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline are late entrants into the Covid-19 vaccine business. However, analysts say, in case…
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Swiss. Transparency in the lobbying activity of deputies. The pharmaceutical industry appears underrepresented
Richest lobbies invest money in MPs SwissInfo – 5 September 2021 Industries of various economic sectors have the…
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First floor
Signed the new decree for the remuneration of pharmacies
Il Decreto stabilisce nuovi criteri per la dispensazione dei farmaci a carico del Sistema sanitario nazionale. Sono stati stanziati 200…
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Public thanks to Confconsumatori
We receive and gladly publish I would like to publicly thank Confconsumatori, in the person of Avv. Carmen Agnello, for assisting me in a dispute with…
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