Alarm of the Regions. Decrease of 2.2 billion euros compared to 2020 for healthcare in 2021 and critical issues for regional budgets
Healthcare resources in 2021 and critical issues for regional budgets: Regions meet the group leaders of the Senate and Chamber.…
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Nomisma Observatory. The system of generic drugs in Italy
Focus on equivalents: a horse cure is needed for pharmaceutical reshoring Egualia – 15 November 2021 In the annual study…
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How much does a company pay in employee gross salary that takes 1400 euros net in 2021? Calculation and examples
Between the net salary received by the worker and the amount actually paid by the company in terms of salary, the difference can be…
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AIISF Naples. Restored ISF access to the "Clinic Center" structure
After a period of inaccessibility at the "Clinic Center" facility in Naples, due to the Covid emergency, from 17 November next it will be…
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Parliament approved the law on rare diseases and orphan drugs. However, Aifa suspends access to the Fund for the reimbursement of orphan drugs
The Parliament has just unanimously approved the law on rare diseases with a strong reference to orphan drugs, both for…
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First floor
Covid vaccine, the Science study comparing Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson protection in the USA
The data analysis has photographed a situation of substantially equal efficacy between the three compounds to prevent the infection of Sars…
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Johnson&Johnson si divide in due società quotate in Borsa
L’azienda farmaceutica ha annunciato l’intenzione di dividersi in due distinte realtà sul mercato delle quotazioni: una focalizzata sui prodotti al…
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News fedaiisf
Bologna. Policlinico Sant'Orsola: new indications on the scientific information activity in force from October 2021.
Il Policlinico Sant’Orsola ha pubblicato sul proprio sito le nuove indicazioni sull’attività di informazione scientifica in vigore da Ottobre 2021.…
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Fedaiisf meeting with AUSL Bologna
Lunedì 8 novembre, presso la sede centrale della Ausl di Bologna, si è tenuto un incontro fra una delegazione Fedaiisf,…
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First floor
BioNtech's anticancer "vaccine" within 5 years
The immuno-oncologists who co-founded BioNTech, the company that developed…
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