Puglia. Doctors ask for a meeting with the Region: "Too much bureaucracy and prescriptive appropriateness"
“Burocrazia esasperata e appropriatezza prescrittiva”, i medici pugliesi scrivono ai responsabili regionali della Sanità Giornale di Puglia – 14 marzo…
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The birth of scientific drug information: from its origins to the present day
The origins The origins of scientific information in ancient times are intertwined with the history of medicine and the history of…
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First floor
Puglia Region to the ASL: "cut pharmaceutical spending". Anyone who continues to prescribe drugs inappropriately will be fined
Puglia, spesa record di aspirina La Regione adesso obbliga tutte le aziende sanitarie a tagliare di 60 milioni il budget…
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generics. The pharmaceutical supply in Europe at the highest level of criticality
Le priorità politiche delineate da Elisabeth Stampa (Medichem), nuovo presidente di Medicines for Europe Egualia – 7 marzo 2022 «Il…
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AIFA. Consumption of antibiotics in Italy
Nel 2020 il consumo complessivo, pubblico e privato, di antibiotici in Italia è stato pari a 17,7 DDD/1000 abitanti die,…
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News fedaiisf
Trapani. Francesco Grimaudo, former Sez President, suddenly left us. AIISF extension
Come un fulmine a ciel sereno riceviamo una notizia che ci intristisce. Ieri mattina il nostro collega, ma soprattutto grande…
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The European pharmaceutical industry for Ukraine
L’industria farmaceutica basata sulla ricerca in Europa è solidale con il popolo ucraino. Condanniamo l’invasione del loro paese ed esprimiamo…
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Sicily Region. DdL of the deputy Calderone: "Establishment of the Professional Register and of the Observatory of Scientific Drug Representatives"
Onorevoli colleghi, Fra ricerca e medico un tramite insostituibile é certamente l’informatore scientifico del farmaco, un professionista qualificato, con una…
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ISTAT. Production of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations +10.7% in January
Starting from this month, the methodology for calculating the indices of industrial production changes, passing to the so-called linked index,…
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Nuclear risk. In Europe, the demand for iodine in pills is increasing
Federfarma reports that the fear for the use of nuclear weapons and the fire that recently occurred near the Zaporizhzhia plant…
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