Section AIISF Lecce in support of Telethon
Today 1st May the AIISF section, federated Fedaiisf, "Mimmo Lenzi" of Lecce is present in Piazza Sant'Oronzo in Lecce for…
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Mourning in Naples. Raffaele Iazzetta, scientific informant, has left us
Suddenly and prematurely Raffaele lazzetta left us, Lello for all of us. A friend above all and a colleague of Dompé.…
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First floor
False agent contract. …and false VAT numbers
False business agent contract The law on the merits now excludes the possibility of qualifying a service as business procurement…
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First floor
Flat rate VAT number: New rules. Several very important points still to be clarified
There are several still uncertain points regarding the news on the flat-rate VAT number which should start from 1…
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News fedaiisf
Sez. AIISF Crotone, Catanzaro, Vibo. Concluso corso BLSD per informatori
Con grande partecipazione si è concluso con successo il 1° Corso BLSD a Crotone. Un corso molto interessante e coinvolgente.…
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AstraZeneca China will be a hub of innovation for the traditional Chinese medicine industry
Secondo le autorità locali, la multinazionale farmaceutica AstraZeneca prevede di istituire un centro di innovazione per l’industria della medicina tradizionale…
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Pfizer, agreement reached to avoid layoffs in Catania: "Exodus incentives for those close to retirement"
We consider good - say the provincial secretaries of Cgil, Cisl, Uiltec and Ugl Chimici - the agreement that has been reached…
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FNOMCeO. A third of doctors dream of retirement, especially the younger ones
La resa dei medici italiani: un terzo sogna la pensione, soprattutto i più giovani. Anelli (FNOMCeO): “Dato scioccante che fa…
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First floor
Codice Deontologico Farmindustria: come cambia la comunicazione non promozionale
Società farmaceutiche, come cambia la comunicazione non promozionale: le novità da Farmindustria Fonte: agenda digitale La versione aggiornata del Codice…
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The case of the pharmaceutical multinational Catalent: renunciation of the investment of 100 million in Anagni. Too much bureaucracy
Troppa burocrazia, ad Anagni addio al polo da 100 milioni. Brunetta: “Semplificare 600 procedure entro 2026” La multinazionale farmaceutica ‘Catalent’…
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