EU Advisory Committee on Safety at Work. COVID-19 occupational disease
Comitato consultivo UE SSL COVID-19 malattia professionale ID 16672 | certifico.it | 19.05.2022 Il 18 maggio 2022, gli Stati membri,…
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News fedaiisf
Section AIISF Naples. BLSD course for members
Sabato 21 maggio, un gruppo di iscritti alla sezione AIISF di Napoli e Provincia, federata Fedaiisf, ha partecipato con grande…
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First floor
Renewal of the Pharmaceutical Chemical National Collective Labor Agreement. The platform has been launched, the request of the trade unions is €180
Nel pomeriggio di oggi l’assemblea unitaria di Filctem Cgil, Femca Cisl, Uiltec Uil ha varato – dopo il “via libera”…
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Monkeypox or monkeypox
Alarmism has been created about the so-called monkeypox not to be confused with human one that after a massive campaign…
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AIFA, 2021 budget. The contribution on the promotional activities of pharmaceutical companies
L’AIFA ha pubblicato il proprio bilancio 2021 presentato al CdA il 28 aprile scorso che si è chiuso con un…
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World family doctor day
Always there to care: sempre lì, vicini a te, paziente, e là dove ce ne è bisogno, pronti a curare…
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Lucia Aleotti (Menarini): if the price of drugs drops, the pharmaceutical sector risks default
Pharmaceutical industry, Aleotti denounces the risk of default on money – 18 May 2022 “We are losing competitiveness by leaps and bounds. We…
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Drugs and Conflict: Concern about possible shortages of supplies, especially for generics
Farmaci e conflitto, Versace: preoccupazione per possibile carenza delle forniture Nei giorni scorsi la British Generic Manufacturers Association (Bgma) ha…
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Flat rate VAT number. How to manage e-invoicing
Electronic invoicing for flat rates, how to manage it? The guide for the inexperienced epromo24 – Gianluca 17 May 2022 From this 1st July…
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News fedaiisf
AIISF Forlì Cesena Rimini. Renewed the Board of Directors
Il 12 maggio scorso la sezione di Forlì Cesena e Rimini si è riunita in assemblea per eleggere il nuovo…
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