Launch of the new National Pharmacovigilance Network
On June 20, 2022, the new National Pharmacovigilance Network (RNF) and a new international standard format will come into operation…
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In Basel, the new Novartis Pavillon. Architecture and knowledge meet
Michele De Lucchi e AMDL CIRCLE firmano il primo edificio del Campus Novartis completamente accessibile al pubblico, inaugurando un dialogo…
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First floor
Maderna, people&communication director Lundbeck Italia, talks about the post-Covid phase of whistleblowers
In an interview with Adnkronos/Labitalia Raffaella Maderna people&communication director Lundbeck Italia spa, to whose full reading we refer, talks about the post Covid phase,…
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Protest of the empty pots: on June 10 we demonstrate against the price increases
Le Associazioni dei consumatori hanno diffuso una nota stampa congiunta per annunciare la Protesta delle pentole vuote, che si terrà…
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Pharmaceutical expenditure, in 2022 direct expenditure of 2.2 billion over the ceiling. IQVIA data
La spesa farmaceutica per acquisti diretti, o spesa ospedaliera, nel 2022 andrà oltre il tetto programmato per legge con un…
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Chemical-Pharmaceutical Collective Labor Agreement. Negotiations for the renewal open on 31 May in Rome
Si è aperta il 31 maggio, nel primo pomeriggio a Roma, la trattativa per il rinnovo del contratto nazionale di…
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Once upon a time there was Vister
A distanza di 15 anni dalla firma dell’accordo di programma sulla riqualificazione del centro storico di Casatenovo, non solo il…
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A new decalogue to fight the "infodemic"
“Ripartire dall’informazione scientifica”, “Grande rigore nella verifica delle fonti”,. “Deontologia ‘rafforzata’ per il giornalista che parla di medicina/salute”, “Maggiore dialogo…
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Antitrust. Fine of around 3.5 million euros to the Leadiant group (formerly Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals) for abuse of dominant position
According to the Authority, since June 2017 it has imposed unjustifiably heavy prices on the NHS for the sale of a life-saving drug. Analogs…
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First floor
Millions of doses of unused vaccines. AIFA moves the expiration date
WHO announces that it seems ready for a new supply of serums for October, updated to the new variants of the virus,…
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