Decreto Trasparenza. Informazioni dettagliate sui nuovi contratti di lavoro
Trasparenza Lavoro: nuovi obblighi informativi dal 13 agosto PMI – 3 agosto 2022 Nuovi obblighi informativi in fase di assunzione…
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Bonus 200 euros for VAT numbers, new money from the Aid bis decree (but when?)
Arrivano nuovi fondi da destinare al bonus 200 euro partite IVA. Il beneficio, tuttavia, continua ad esistere solo sulla carta…
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Ministry of Health. Warnings for turmeric supplements. Not recommended in case of impaired liver function
Il Ministero della Salute comunica la modifica al decreto del 10 agosto 2018 sull’impiego di sostanze e preparati vegetali negli…
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ISTAT. In June industrial production of pharmaceuticals – 1,3%
In June 2022, the seasonally adjusted industrial production index is estimated to decrease by 2.1% compared to May. In the second quarter…
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First floor
Aid Decree bis. Bonus 200 euros excluding and VAT numbers. Detaxation of employee work
Il Governo ha approvato il Decreto Aiuti bis da circa 15 miliardi (14,3 mld più altri fondi in bilancio non…
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Trend of pharmaceutical expenditure supported by the National Health Service from 2019 to 2021
The analysis of the trend of pharmaceutical expenditure supported by the NHS shows a substantial stability of the expenditure paid by the NHS, which…
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Editorial notes
Garattini: There has been no use of antidepressants and the use that has taken place is due to the propaganda of pharmaceutical companies
An interview with Prof. Garattini (born in 1928) was published in the Bergamo News of August 3, who was asked…
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Joint prevention of corruption in healthcare. ANAC-Ministry agreement signed
E’ stato firmato oggi, 2 agosto, presso la sede del Ministero della Salute di Lungotevere Ripa a Roma, un Protocollo…
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AIFA. Shelf of pharmaceutical expenditure for direct purchases for the year 2021 - Start of the procedure. Pharmaceutical companies will have to pay €1,034,700,865
AIFA, the Italian Medicines Agency, announces that the Board of Directors has acknowledged that the expenditure for direct purchases…
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News fedaiisf
Section AIISF Imperia: next Thursday in Vallecrosia at the Don Bosco Oratory the brilliant comedy "#ArcadiNoè3.0"
La Rassegna, che ha già visto andare in scena con successo la Compagnia Teatrale di Improvvisazione “Onde Ribelli”, sotto la…
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