Historical Archive
Relations between doctors and pharmacists, first regulate transparency
One doctor out of three is hired by a pharmacist, said the president of the Order of Milan a few months ago in…
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Historical Archive
Pharmaceuticals: Tuscany, against stock shortages, acts as a barrier for direct distribution
June 11th 2012 – 09:26 (ASCA) – Rome, June 11th – Drug stock shortages due to exports…
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Historical Archive
Farmindustria, -6% production in the first quarter of 2012
Trials and pharmacy spending are also down, good for the state but bad for industries Farmindustria worried about the 'minus' sign...
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Historical Archive
He forged recipes: ISF arrested
He forged recipes to have his contract extended: pharmaceutical representative arrested http://www.fanoinforma.it/Cronache/art30763/9_giugno_12/Fano_falsificava_le_ricette_per_farsi_allungare_il_contratto_arrestato_rappresentante_farmaceutico.html 09/06/12 Fano (PU) – He forged recipes to not…
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Historical Archive
Historical Archive
Spiral out of control
It may seem strange, but for some time in the United States there has been a shortage of important drugs for the treatment…
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Historical Archive
It gives up industrial production
Giuseppe Chiellino MILAN However you want to read them, the industrial production data for April are ugly. Although not…
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Historical Archive
Comunichiamo ai Colleghi che per la Provincia di Ravenna il Presidente Federaisf a cui rivolgersi è: Giorgio Pezzi cell. 335-1855154…
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Historical Archive
FILCTEM, FEMCA and FLAEI, UILCEM approve hypotheses, now the judgment of the workers
Si apre la stagione dei rinnovi contrattuali in importanti settori industriali italiani (chimico-farmaceutico, gomma-plastica, energia e petrolio, gas-acqua, elettrico) che…
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Historical Archive
Farmindustria: remodulate pharmaceutical expenditure ceilings or sector in collapse
(Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) – Roma, 08 giu – In Italia, ha sottolineato Scaccabarozzi, la spesa farmaceutica pubblica e’…
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