Historical Archive
Pharmacists: Extraordinary competition, what changes homeless 40 years
13 Giugno 2012 – 09:35 (ASCA) – Roma, 13 giu – La rimozione del tetto dei 40 anni per le…
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Historical Archive
Sandoz: trouble with the law in Algeria
ALGERI – In Algeria Sandoz, filiale di Novartis che produce farmaci generici, potrebbere attraversare delle difficoltà: nonostante l’azienda neghi tutto,…
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Historical Archive
In France, one out of five recipes is "non-replaceable", in Italy there are conflicting assessments
Sulla sostituibilità del farmaco sprizzano scintille e polemiche anche in Francia, dove i farmacisti godono di incentivi legati al raggiungimento…
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Historical Archive
Balduzzi, a derogation for the industry is difficult
Il ministro della Salute, Renato Balduzzi De Cicco, il rischio è di creare uno ‘spread’ dell’innovazione "Incontreremo sicuramente le aziende…
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Historical Archive
Medicines: the single-dose arrives
(ANSA) - ROME, JUNE 12 - From January 2013 it will be possible to find in pharmacies single-dose drugs or 'ideal packs' suitable…
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Historical Archive
Are the financing of the pharmaceutical industries transparent?
Patient organizations and pharmaceutical industry funding: is the information transparent, complete and accessible? The results of an investigation…
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Historical Archive
Farmindustria says no to pay-back on hospitals: better sacrifices spread across the entire supply chain
Lower the ceiling of territorial pharmaceutical expenditure from 13.3 to 12.1%, to raise that of hospital care from 2.4 to 3.6%. AND…
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Historical Archive
On 18 June the IMU makes its debut
The first down payment of the IMU (single municipal tax) anticipated on an experimental basis for the three-year period 2012-2014 expires on 18 June…
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Historical Archive
Request: I am an ISF on mobility from May 2009 to May 2013, IPS office in Pozzuoli-NA. I would like to know…
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Historical Archive
GlaxoSmithKline detects Toctino
BASEL - Global agreement on Toctino, a preparation against hand eczema: through the company Stiefel, the British group GlaxoSmithKline…
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