Historical Archive
Farmarci, Confindustria with doctors. It's war on the "designers"
ROMA – Messi in campo gli schieramenti, la guerra del farmaco griffato è cominciata. Oggi va in aula in Senato…
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Historical Archive
Merck Serono, 30 redundant workers at the Rbm site
Colleretto Giacosa, the announcement of the multinational on Friday. On Monday, the assembly in the factory with the workers COLLERETTO GIACOSA. Ninety redundancies throughout Italy,…
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Historical Archive
Florence changes the face of the family doctor. Neighborhood "hospitals" were born
In Tuscany, thanks to a memorandum of understanding between the federation of general practitioners and the Region, soon…
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Historical Archive
Spending review: designer drugs, doctors fear Chinese arrival
For trade union risk of toxic products or products of dubious origin July 29, 16:33 (ANSA) - NAPLES, JULY 29 - "The risks ...
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Historical Archive
The ax of the spending review falls on "designer" drugs
Here is the new text of article 15, with all the amendments approved. Farmindustria's reaction lasts: «Shameful measure, forced to close…
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Historical Archive
The editorial team wishes all readers happy holidays.
In this moment in which serenity and light-heartedness should be dominant, our thinking, our solidarity and…
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Historical Archive
Farmageddon, the apocalypse in healthcare
Patrizia Pasqui Farmageddon. The last healthy man on Earth Science Express 2012 pp.72, euro 9.50 Order on Ibs In the world…
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Historical Archive
Pharmaceuticals, redundancies due to the Takeda-Nycomed merger
On July 24, Filctem Cgil, Femca Cisl and Uilcem Uil received the announcement of a staff reduction procedure…
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Historical Archive
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Bayer Spends $142 Million Compensating Contraceptive Yasmin
Dear Editorial In recent days you reported the article "Bayer spends 142 million dollars to compensate those who hired…
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Historical Archive
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Takeda – Nycomed: some reflections by Umberto Alderisi
Dear colleagues, friends and readers of this site, I learned with some astonishment and dismay just before the well-deserved…
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