Umbria linear cuts in pharmaceutical spending.
According to Egualia "The resolution with which the Umbria Region aims to reduce spending by 25% is cause for concern and concern...
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il Prof. Orazio Schillaci è il nuovo ministro della salute
Orazio Schillaci (Roma, 27 aprile 1966) è il nuovo ministro della salute. È rettore dell’Università di Tor Vergata dal 2019. Dopo…
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Editorial notes
Milan, Valeas workers in the square: "No to unfair collective dismissal" Editor's note
The employees of Valeas SpA, a historic chemical and pharmaceutical company founded in 1934, demonstrated in front of the…
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Smart working. How much does it weigh on the bill? A survey by Altroconsumo updates the costs
La illuminazione domestica e il riscaldamento (o la climatizzazione) accesi per molte ore al giorno, un pranzo in più (…
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First floor
Farm industry. Certification of procedures relating to scientific information activity
Farmindustria has updated the "Reference document for the certification of procedures relating to scientific information activities" to 2022.…
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Merck France under investigation for changing the ingredients of Levothyrox without informing patients
Il produttore farmaceutico tedesco Merck KGaA (MRCG.DE) ha dichiarato mercoledì di essere stato sottoposto a un’indagine formale da un tribunale…
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News fedaiisf
Section AIISF "Seby Trapani" of Reggio Calabria. Football match "In the field for life" in favor of organ donation. Memorial Seby Trapani
“Un evento assai significativo e con una grande “forza sociale”. L’incontro di calcio organizzato dall’ AIISF (Associazione Italiana Informatori Scientifici…
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LongCovid. New patient information sheet presented by WHO/Europe
Between 10 and 20% of patients who have contracted Covid-19 show medium or long-term symptoms…
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Banco Farmaceutico alarm: "More and more poor people are giving up unreimbursed medicines" Editor's note
The price increase brings Italian families to their knees. A problem that now not only affects food spending but…
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Brands. First aid everywhere in private hands
Cgil Marche: Pronto soccorso ovunque in mano a privati È accaduto a Pesaro, Urbino, Senigallia, Fermo, ad Ascoli Piceno e…
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