No buyer for Biomedica Foscama. The deadline for the auction has expired.

No buyer for Biomedica Foscama di Ferentino. Yesterday the deadline for the auction expired. "With regret and concern we learn from the judicial auction site that unfortunately it has gone deserted, even if there is no official communication from the Court", says Antonella Valeriani, general secretary of Femca Cisl. Which means that no entrepreneur, at the moment, has expressed interest in buying.

The concern of the union is great, above all for the eighty workers who, in the absence of a buyer, will lose their jobs. The Femca Cisl urgently requests a table with the bankruptcy trustee and the delegated judge to understand how it intends to proceed.
“We're talking about a pharmaceutical company that has made the industrial history of our area.

It is inconceivable that cutting-edge corporate assets and the skills of those who work there are dispersed, continues Valeriani.
We stand by the workers and together with them we ask for certain answers that can no longer be postponed.

The provincial secretary of Ugl, Enzo Valente, writes to Minister Di Maio

“On our part – underlines Valente – there is a willingness to evaluate and follow all the paths that can save the future of the families involved in the affair. It is necessary to avoid layoffs and understand if it is possible to propose a new tender that keeps the production of a historical and important plant active for the economic fabric of the entire territory. It is the oldest pharmaceutical industry in our province which has always produced wealth and guaranteed work over the years”.

The Ugl also appeals to the Government: “We ask Minister Di Maio and Undersecretary Durigon to urgently convene the social partners to agree on what initiatives to take to keep the Ferentino pharmaceutical company alive and safeguard all jobs. The appeal for mobilization for the plant also goes to the president of the Province of Frosinone and mayor of Ferentino Antonio Pompeo to whom we ask to become the first person promoter of initiatives to avoid yet another impoverishment of the Ciociara economy”.

perteonline – 5 aprile 2019

Ferentino, deserted auction for Biomedical Foscama, 80 jobs at risk

“The concern of Femca Cisl is great – explains the general secretary Antonella Valeriani – soprattutto per gli ottanta lavoratori che, in assenza di un acquirente perderanno il posto di lavoro. Chiediamo urgentemente un tavolo con il curatore fallimentare, nostro interlocutore naturale, e il giudice delegato per comprendere come si intenda procedere.
We are talking about a pharmaceutical company that has made the industrial history of our area. It is inconceivable that cutting-edge corporate assets and the skills of those who work there are dispersed.

We stand by the workers and together with them we ask for certain answers that can no longer be postponed. We are ready to do everything in our power to save workers and families from being fired. They cannot afford it, the territory cannot afford it, which would see a plant that has been a fundamental element of economic growth die".

Femca CISL (source FrosinoneToday)

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