Historical Archive

In the circle of informants

By Gabriele Milani hon December 30, 2012 • ( 0 ) Autism & Vaccines

Who knows Dante, if he were alive in our day, where would he place the scientific representatives of the drug. A controversial figure, not governed by the Civil Code, so there is no Professional Register, considered similar to the business broker, therefore very often a freelancer who draws his income from commissions, or from his ability to induce a doctor to recommend/prescribe his portfolio products rather than those of competing companies.

This does not mean that the vast majority of them are not serious professionals who carry out their work in compliance with ethics, morals, the citizen's interest and his health. In these cases, the monthly or fortnightly meeting with the rep is precious for the doctor, who will take the opportunity to carry out the appropriate cost-benefit assessments of the product; to compare it with possible alternative medicines; to consider a possible equal effectiveness between products of different costs; and above all to judge the effects on those who have used it in terms of regression or treatment of the disease, of years of good life saved.

But the market is saturated and the companies, which are also numerous, the closer they get to the size of a multinational, the more they equip themselves with various and sophisticated "weapons". And here's room for theethics very little is left.

Each company brings in its "salesmen" who are graduates, until a few years ago in any dis

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