After two years of shuttling between the House and the Senate, this time the promulgation arrives after the final go-ahead from Parliament last October 19th. Here comes the arbitration in labor disputes and the apprenticeship at 15 years old
The owner of Welfare Maurizio Sacconi defends the plant, which he considers as a sort of forerunner to the statute of works announced several times. The new reading by Parliament took into consideration the general meaning of the remarks raised by Colle. In any case, the CGIL continues its battle against a law that it defines as "wrong, dangerous and clearly unconstitutional" because it introduces arbitration in labor lawsuits and apprenticeship at 15, thus lowering the age of compulsory schooling by one year.
The in-depth reading does not stop revealing surprises: on closer inspection, observes the union of Corso Italia, a particularly dangerous "tangle" emerges: from the entry into force of the law, workers with expired precarious employment contracts will only have 60 days to avail themselves of the possibility of appeal.
Until now, this term existed only for dismissals of permanent employment relationships, while for expired fixed-term contracts it was not foreseen.The union leader reports that "specific leaflets are already being distributed throughout Italy and a national meeting of all our legal disputes offices is scheduled for next week, in particular for the protection of precarious workers from the rules on the forfeiture, 60 days after the entry into force of the law, of their rights of appeal in the event of irregular contracts".
Furthermore, adds Fammoni, “a text on the problems of unconstitutionality and a handbook explaining to workers how to protect themselves will be prepared and disseminated. The counter-reform of the labor law and process will be – he concludes – the theme at the center of the national demonstration on November 27 "The future belongs to young people and work"'.