Francesco Izzo, according to the investigations, had set up two companies together with his wife through which he acted as an intermediary for the supply of equipment that Pascale purchased for anticancer treatments. It made the apparatuses appear to be the only suitable ones, with the complacency of the administrative manager Elia Abbondante, who is also the general manager of the ASL Napoli 1 Centro
Of FQ | March 7, 2017 | Daily fact
Corruption on the supply of machinery for i sick people oncology terminals atPascale Cancer Institute Of Naples. It is one of the charges with which they were arrested at dawn on Tuesday seven peopleincluding the primary Francesco Izzo. According to the investigation, Izzo had formed together with wife two companies through which he acted from intermediary for refueling medical equipment that Pascale bought for anticancer treatments. The primary made the devices look like the suitable only ones for that type of treatment and created the conditions for them to be purchased urgently by the companies related to him. In this way he avoided the call for tenders and proceeded with a private negotiation. The companies also inflated their turnover by significantly increasing the price purchase of devices.
All this, according to the investigators, took place with the complacency of the administrative manager, also arrested: his name is Elijah Abundant (in the picture) and is also the general manager of theAsl Naples 1 Center. Some have also ended up under house arrest entrepreneurs of the pharmaceutical sector and a scientific informant. The 7 pre-trial detention measures under house arrest were carried out by the military of the nucleus of tax police from the Finance Guard of Naples and of the special nucleus of currency police, who also proceeded to as many asset seizures against the accused persons. Overall, the financiers have seized assets for almost two million euros.
To increase sales a scientific sales rep, Marco Argenziano - under house arrest - allegedly gave 10,000 euros to chief physician Francesco Izzo to double, in 2015, the prescriptions and, therefore, the orders, of an anticancer drug, Nexavar, intended for cancer patients. [ … continue on ANSA of 07 March 2017]
The interceptions. In one of the intercepted conversations between the doctor and the pharmaceutical informant Marco Argenziano there are all the elements of this ugly story.
"I want to give you 10,000 euros because you are a friend, because you are a politically minded person, so in my future you can help me" says the intercepted informant "I have a predisposition for you, so I'm not coming to ask you a justification but the justification with the company”.
Then that detail that makes you shiver: «Francè and then next year we will have reimbursement, I need a strong push this year, next year this product will die. Look in the colon has a large turnover. In Italy, Nexavar is doing everything possible, we talked about it last time, so I have to reach the 2015 target». And finally he closes: «Oh well, we said everything. Shall I put this money aside for you?». Izzo replies: «Set aside that they will certainly come out, this year certainly a lot». [from eight pages – Naples 07/03/2017]
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