Naples. IRCCS Pascale. ISF regulation

As usual, they refer to the ANAC recommendations and since by definition the ISF are corruptors, access must be limited and not regulated.
It is reiterated that our activity must not hinder that of the doctor, by definition we hinder we do not support, and consequently we are received after work.

Ci scrive un Collega: “It seems to me ridiculous to tolerate the ANAC recommendations beyond and accept the access restrictions. I exist to provide information on drug use so I have to work every day and be punished if I promote abuse. They must share how to work with us.
A limit is the law that imposes 5/6 visits a year everywhere, a law made on basic medicine and as usual punitive and harmful to the dignity of the worker“.

Un altro ci scrive: “I colleghi del parafarmaco sono tagliati fuori in quanto, non essendoci obbligo per loro, la Regione non rilascia tesserini vidimati. Quindi quelli rilasciati dalle aziende del parafarmaco ai loro collaboratori non “sarebbero a norma”… Il condizionale è d’obbligo…

Non ci possono essere professionisti penalizzati e altri no. In questo caso e in questo ospedale ci saranno… Oppure come al solito finirà all’italiana...”

Un altro ancora ci segnala: “This inconsistency is well known in some implementing regulations of various Local Health Authorities/Departments/Hospitals etc. of Emilia Romagna, because the logic that the gentlemen who conceived them have followed is that of limiting/obstructing/tracing the visits of the ISF because they are considered "expense inducers" while for what is paraphrase/supplement etc., in the majority of cases there are no limitations/traceability of visits because these products are not paid for by the NHS/SSR

So in fact there is discrimination between all professionals based on what they have in the bag. Discriminations of the opposite sign, but there are always discriminations.

IRCCS Pascale ISF Regulation

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