Piero Cerchiai died in Florence on Epiphany day. He followed his cousin Umberto by a few months. Important family the Cerchiai, originally from Vicchio, owner of a large portion of Mugello, from Cistio to Campestri up to Monte Giovi, with noble ties - became related to the Roti-Michelozzi family, once owner of Villa Campestri.
Piero Cerchiai was the owner of Firma, a pharmaceutical company in Florence Scandicci, then sold to the Menarini group in 1984.
The birth of SIGNATURE (Fabbrica Italiana Ritrovati Medicinali e Affini) is closely linked to the Tuscan tradition, and in particular to Florence, where many pharmaceutical industries have developed, some of which are no longer operating today. FIRMA began its history in 1933 by producing galenic preparations based on calcium gluconate, anti-bronchitic syrup and liniments.
In 1944 Dr. Renato Cerrchiai, pharmacist first in Florence and then in Naples, with a profound connoisseur of the pharmaceutical sector, took over the company and began producing original specialties for calcium-magnesium therapy which were then sold until the 1960s.
Related news: The disappearance of Piero Cerchiai, lord of Collefertile at Monte Giovi