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Monza – A strike to reduce the distance between the parties. This is the signal that the workers intend to deliver to Roche, given the deadlock in the negotiations between the company and the unions, which registered a new black smoke last Tuesday. And it will not be easy to find a meeting point even in the next meetings scheduled in Assolombarda, where the parties will have to try to reach a synthesis in the month of March, in a confrontation that promises to be close.
In fact, the agreement on the economic proposal appears distant which, according to Giuseppe Bottari of the Roche trade union union, "has not even reached half of what we are asking for". And the solution does not seem on the horizon: "Last Tuesday should have been the decisive day - confirmed Paolo Ronchi of Cisl Monza and Brianza - but the negotiations will necessarily have to go on". And just to speed it up, the workers will go on strike next Monday, 28 February: a demonstration will be organized to be held in front of the company's Monza headquarters in via Stucchi. An occasion for which Roche's pharmaceutical informants are expected from all over Italy.
On the other hand, however, no other news on the state of the negotiation filtered through: a month ago, the CGIL and CISL had put forward the proposal to open mobility by extending it to the entire network of informants, thus contemplating the possibility that some workers could request voluntarily to leave the company thus decreasing the number of redundancies, but in fact - in the current state of the situation - it is not yet known whether the company has accepted the union proposal. What began last December in Roche is the second wave of cuts in three years, which foresees 150 redundancies, around 6,000 cuts worldwide, especially among medical-scientific informants. The Monza office was also affected with 30 redundant employees, including 5 managers.
Roche Italia today has a total of 1,178 employees, of which 400 at the Monza site and 380 at the Segrate site; the rest - about 400 people - is made up of informants who work throughout the country, but who are under contract with the Brianza office. With the expected new wave of cuts, the number of redundancies imposed by Roche in the last three years rises to 250, adding to the 150 today the approximately 100 in 2007 (50 effective after union negotiations). According to Roche, however, the failure to reach an agreement with Quintiles – an American pharmaceutical company with which negotiations had been undertaken for the sale of a company branch, which subsequently collapsed – could have given another dimension to the number of Italian redundancies.
Luke Scarpetta