Monza: Rottapharm becomes American, the operation is worth 7.2 billion dollars

The American group Mylan has bought the Swedish company Meda, which two years ago had acquired Rottapharm for 2.2 billion: the changeover is worth 7.2 billion dollars.

Two years ago the sale of Rottapharm (except for the Biotech branch, research) to the Swedes of Meda for 2.275 billion. This year the sale of Meda to the American giant Mylan for 7.2 billion dollars. The face of the Brianza pharmaceutical sector is changing again, discounting the ferment that characterizes the entire sector worldwide. The purchase agreement dates back to last February and was reached on the third attempt. In practice, it was already being talked about even before the acquisition of Rottapharm by the Swedes. The official announcement, however, was made last August 5 when Mylan (whose parent company is in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) officially confirmed that it had completed the procedure for its takeover bid to the shareholders of Meda Aktiebolag for the sale of all actions. Offer accepted by the shareholders of the Swedish group.

( … continua su il Citizen MB of August 28, 2016)

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