July 5, 2013 | Forli | Cesena | Healthcare | FORLI'24HOURS.en
CESENA – The first was signed last Wednesday provincial agreement between the Local Health Authorities of Cesena and Forlì with the Union Representatives of the Doctors Of General medicine, for the year 2013, a project that aims at a greater appropriateness in the prescription of medicines and a greater use of generic or equivalent medicines. Crackdown also on specialist exams: the agreement provides for a more appropriateness in prescribing them, which translated realistically means reducing them, perhaps to the detriment of more in-depth diagnostics, to bring the consumption of these services into line with the regional average.
"Finally - reads the note sent by the Ausl of Cesena - in view of the creation of the Health Homes, the organizational model of primary care is confirmed which, if on the one hand sees an ever greater integration of general practitioners with the structures and services responsible for the provision of primary care, on the other it further consolidates the Primary Care Units (PCN). The goal is to improve the supply of basic health services and continue to respond to citizens' health needs