A note from the ministry denies the "gap" of 18 billion for healthcare in 2014 aired yesterday by Fiaso referring to a table of the General Accounting Office. According to the Economy, the level of expenditure indicated for that year is incorrect: "Expected expenditure of 112.42 billion and not 129.19 as indicated in the study".
14 DEC – With reference to what was reported yesterday by various press organs, according to which the FIASO (Italian Federation of Health and Hospital Companies), reworking a table sourced from the State General Accounting Office (RGS), would estimate a "gap" of 18 billion for the SSN for the year 2014, the Ministry of the Economy specifies the following.
"This result would derive from the difference between ordinary financing (set at 110.79 billion) and the level of expenditure (set at 129.19 billion euros).
In this regard, it should be noted that what FIASO reworked presents various errors and inaccuracies, the most significant of which consists in the level of expenditure indicated, since the level of expenditure envisaged by the RGS for 2014, incorporating the additional containment measures envisaged in the 2013 Stability Law draft it is equal to 112.42 billion euros, as indicated in the Public Administration Account (planning framework) contained in the technical-illustrative note to the aforementioned 2013 Stability Law draft and incorporating the effects of the same bill . This level of expenditure is the only one that can be considered as official data on health expenditure produced by the State General Accounting Office".
December 14, 2012 –